AC&A and a new international recognition

Our company was part of the symposium on Regulations for the Design, Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Roads and Bridges in the Dominican Republic, organized by the Ministry of Public Works and Communications of the Dominican Republic and the Inter-American Development Bank in Santo Domingo.

AC&A was approached by both institutions some time ago to draft the Regulations for Roads and Bridges, which were developed taking into account the effective integration of adaptation criteria to the effects of climate change, as well as international good practices related with road safety, in order to reduce accident rates on the country\’s highways.

The symposium, held at the Manuel del Cabral Auditorium, Pedro Mir Library of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, was attended by expert engineers from the sector. On behalf of our company, Engineer Víctor Heinecke shared different definitions and concepts related to the new regulations, the terminology to be used, the system of units (design, construction and maintenance) and the basic documentation used. He also referred to the mitigation and adaptation measures for the effects resulting from climate change and the characteristics of the highways of the Dominican Republic. Eng. Jorge Henriquez, who participated in the project, was also present at the event.

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