AC&A present in another international exhibition

AC&A attended a conference held in the Dominican Republic entitled: \”Transforming mobility in Greater Santo Domingo\”, organized by the National Institute of Transit and Land Transport (INTRANT) and the AFD (Agence Française de Developpement). On behalf of our firm, Eng. Javier Cantarella presented a report entitled: \”Technical, legal and financial structure of the Public Bicycle System of Greater Santo Domingo, Public Bicycle System (SBP) of GSD.\”\"\"

This document, which is intended to inform of the different ongoing and future projects in the transportation area to transform mobility towards an integrated system, analyzes the main travel modes in the country, revealing the low use of the bicycle.

Based on the concepts in the report, Cantarella proposed different actions to favor the use of the bicycle, including the promotion of sustainable mobility, the improvement of the connectivity of poorly integrated neighborhoods and municipalities, the implementation of the National District Bike Plan and the creation of bike parking spaces in shops, companies and institutions. He also highlighted the importance of connectivity between the network of bicycle lanes in the National District and the road network of peripheral municipalities, the ordering of the accesses to the main points of the mass transportation network and the use of a public bicycle service to achieve a significant change in daily commuting.

To this end, he highlighted the importance of carrying out technical, legal and financial structuring studies, identifying a business model for the system, extending a capacity-building program at the municipal level, defining an information plan for the project’s public and private stakeholders, as well as evaluating its environmental and social impact.

\"\"Finally, Eng. Javier Cantarella referred to the benefits of the SBP and mentioned the example of the ten best cities in the world published in The Economist. All ten cities share a characteristic: they all have a public bike system. These are: Vienna (Austria), Copenhagen (Denmark), Zurich (Switzerland), Calgary, Toronto and Vancouver (Canada), Geneva (Switzerland), Frankfurt (Germany), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Osaka (Japan) and Melbourne (Australia).

This conference represents a new contribution from AC&A in terms of knowledge and innovation aimed at improving mobility, environmental aspects and the quality of life of the population of the Dominican Republic.

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